I know I go through this every year, cursing the MN winter - at about mid-February. I love the cold.....I am a truly Nordic person. I sweat too much in the spring, summer and fall. Winter is the best. Plus, bulky clothes to hide my fat. It's awesome.
I don't, however, enjoy driving in the snow. Or shoveling. This year we've had a ton more snow than usual, we have no where to put it. We've also done a really poor job with our shoveling....I'm sure our neighbors curse us whenever they walk along our stretch of sidewalk.
Here are some photos of our abundance of snow, including our sad, "spare car" - which is for sale (by the way) if anyone is interested:) and our tiny garbage can, which is precariously perched atop 4 feet of snow in the alley. Ah, lovely.
Ha. wouldn't that be a great way to get rid of Boris.....I don't think it'll happen though.